
Zdenka Pszczołowska

Author: Madame Bovary

Direction: Gosia Jakubowska Raczkowska

Premiere: 04.12.2021

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Machine House [Miniature] Stage

Nearest dates

Fri 28 19:00
Sat 01 16:00
Sun 02 16:00

Who is Madame Bovary today? Does she even exist?

She does.

She's a wife, a mother, a woman, a person of high creative potential, a person fulfilling the needs of other people and of society, often believing that they are her own needs.

: Dominika Feiglewicz-Penarska, Zdenka Pszczołowska

Premiere: 11.06.2023

The MOS Stage - The MOS Stage


Love that originates and evolves in the shadow of death, or a classic elaborate tale of affection – this time reduced in form to four actors: two Juliets and two Romeos.

How do we fall in love today? What sacrifices do we make and how do we die for love?