Madame Bovary
- Author: Madame Bovary
- Adaptation: Gosia Jakubowska Raczkowska, Zdenka Pszczołowska
- Direction: Gosia Jakubowska Raczkowska
- Dramaturgy: Zdenka Pszczołowska
- Set design and costumes: Julia Basista
- Music: Kamil Tuszyński
- Multimedia: Adam A. Zduńczyk
- Stage movement: Aleksander Kopański
- Inspicjent: Iwona Cieślik
- Producer: Oliwia Kuc
- The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Machine House [Miniature] Stage
- Premiere: 04.12.2021
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Who is Madame Bovary today? Does she even exist?
She does.
She's a wife, a mother, a woman, a person of high creative potential, a person fulfilling the needs of other people and of society, often believing that they are her own needs.
Emma Bovary is a heroine of a tragedy. A young person who wants to save her life and yet simultaneously wishes to escape it, a mother torn between her maternal regrets and her love for her daughter, who constitutes an obstacle on her path to – perhaps – happiness.
Emma slowly acknowledges her own situation and her own tragedy. This intimate production, directed by Małgorzata Jakubowska, revisits Flaubert's story of the quest for identity within female roles, re-examines Emma's disappointment with her choices and poses questions about the status of choices made by women in the context of social expectations and structures.
Photos from the show
photo by Bartek Barczyk © Teatr im. J. Słowacki in Krakow

Movie trailer
Video: Paweł Penarski
Location of the video recordings: The space of the MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow