Madame Bovary

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Nearest dates

Fri 27 19:00
Sat 28 15:00
Sat 28 17:00

Who is Madame Bovary today? Does she even exist?

She does.

She's a wife, a mother, a woman, a person of high creative potential, a person fulfilling the needs of other people and of society, often believing that they are her own needs.

Emma Bovary is a heroine of a tragedy. A young person who wants to save her life and yet simultaneously wishes to escape it, a mother torn between her maternal regrets and her love for her daughter, who constitutes an obstacle on her path to – perhaps – happiness.

Emma slowly acknowledges her own situation and her own tragedy. This intimate production, directed by Małgorzata Jakubowska, revisits Flaubert's story of the quest for identity within female roles, re-examines Emma's disappointment with her choices and poses questions about the status of choices made by women in the context of social expectations and structures.

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Movie trailer

Video: Paweł Penarski

Location of the video recordings: The space of the MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow
