OPIE (Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment)
The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow was granted funding for investments in infrastructure under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020.
Project: Modernization of technical infrastructure of the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow along with the purchase of equipment for conducting cultural activities, co-financed by the European Union under Measure 8.1 Protection of cultural heritage and development of cultural resources
Priority axis VIII: Protection of cultural heritage and development of cultural resources
Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020
Works carried out under the project co-financed by the Operational Program
Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 are aimed at the protection and
development of cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, as well as at
improving access to cultural resources. The renovation of the Theatre will not only provide the audience with a modern, technically advanced stage, but will also restore the original character of the building.
1. total cost: 20,467,759.00 PLN
2. eligible cost: 17,980,318.85 PLN
3. ERDF subsidy: 15,283,271.02 PLN
The theatre will carry out the works covered by the project since 2018. In the years 2018-2021, the following purchases of equipment and furnishings were made:
I. Purchase of lighting equipment – The Grand Stage of the Theatre
The theatre was equipped with high-end lighting equipment, including more than 80 spotlights, a "followspot" control system which allows the lights operator to guide an actor with light from currently inaccessible locations, e.g. the lighting bridge, from the position of an external controller. Thanks to the functionality of remote control, this system allows production of a performance from any location without disturbing the audience.
II. Purchase of multimedia projectors along with accessories for the purpose of mapping projections for the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow and the creation of multimedia content
High-quality equipment including Barco and Epson were purchased for the theatre's production needs. With their help, the PERFORM company developed a multimedia show presenting animations prepared by artist Aleksander Janicki on the history of the Słowacki Theatre. The mapping presentation took place before the premiere of the play 'Fern Flower', directed by Jakub Krofta on 6 December 2018. For the first time, the performance also featured the revolving stage purchased under this project. The play still remains part of the Słowacki Theatre repertoire. The mapping shows have become another cultural attraction for the spectators, tourists and supporters of the Słowacki Theatre and the city of Krakow.
III. Delivery and installation of stage mechanics equipment including control system
for the Grand Stage of the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow
This modernization has significantly streamlined and facilitated assembly and
disassembly work and allowed more efficient use of our theatre's stage capabilities. Under the contract, the theatre's stage mechanics equipment was upgraded, including 24 battens with electric drive, a revolving stage, three new lighting bridges, Gedeon X350 stage mechanics control system. The 10 manual battens and drives for the steel curtain and smoke dampers of the portal bridge drive were replaced. After 125 years, the manual handling of the fly system was partially mechanised.
IV. Delivery of multimedia equipment used to conduct extended cultural activities
As part of the delivery of multimedia equipment carried out in 2019, the Theatre was supplied with a range of professional, state-of-the-art equipment (including multimedia projectors used for stage effects on the stage).
V. In 2019, the Machine House Stage (formerly the Miniature Stage) and the rehearsal room in the building were modernised. Their spaces were equipped with new lighting, acoustic and multimedia equipment as well as stage mechanics.
VI. 11 December 2021 saw the opening of a permanent narrative exhibition entitled "Archive of theatrical stories PARADYZ". It was created in rarely visited, practically forgotten corners of the Słowacki Theatre edifice. The exhibition is composed of mysterious showcases-objects. It is by no means a traditional exhibition with museum exhibits. It is more like a warehouse of seemingly scattered objects – wrappings, cases giving the impression of devices that keep some mysterious internal mechanical entities alive. This exhibition has also revitalised the hitherto inaccessible spaces of the Theatre, and created a modern venue for educational activities and other events. The exhibition is open to the public free of charge, one hour before each performance.
The years 2021 and 2022 were devoted to the highly complicated procedures of selecting a contractor for the works involving the modernisation of the auditorium of the Grand Stage of the Theatre, including the installation of a new floor and chairs. The new chairs have been manufactured following a design of the Chief Architect of the J. Słowacki Theatre in Krakow, Jan Zawiejski himself. They were produced by Nowy Styl Ltd. in Krosno, a renowned Polish manufacturer of auditorium seats, under the supervision of the esteemed designer Tomasz Konior (Konior Studio, located in Katowice), author of the design of the chairs and armchairs for the auditorium of the Grand Stage of the Theatre. Works also involved the implementation of solutions for visitors with disabilities. As part of the project, a hearing support system was installed – the so-called induction loop, which covered part of the auditorium. It enables a hearing impaired person to receive impeccable and clear sound through a telecoil, which most hearing aids are equipped with. The Grand Stage has been given a facelift (in addition, the original layout and design of the third floor has been recreated with the restoration of the auditorium), making the audience feel comfortable in the theatre and ensuring that the service we provide is of the highest standard.
Another investment to be carried out by the end of 2022 is the purchase of multimedia carriers as part of a visual information system to be installed in the Theatre's facilities, enabling information to be provided directly to potential audience members passing by the Theatre's buildings.
All investments in the project are scheduled to be completed by 31 December 2022.
Modernization of technical infrastructure of the Theatre
In the past year (2018), companies carrying out individual works within the first stage of modernization were selected after three tenders. Works commenced in July and lasted until the first days of October. The total value of purchases made in this period amounted to PLN 8,730,380.10 gross. The first stage of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme project involved purchasing the lighting equipment for the Theatre’s Grand Stage, multimedia projectors, which will be used on all stages of the Theatre (the Grand Stage, the Miniatura Stage and MOS Stage), installing a new stage system along with the control system of the so-called rope room, and installing a rotating stage. >>