God, Me and Money

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Sat 29 19:00
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Sun 30 19:00
Sat 17 19:00
Sun 18 19:00

‘God, Me and Money’ is a somewhat amusing, somewhat sad story about great love. Love that sometimes overtakes us completely unexpectedly...

We meet the protagonist, Maria, while she's doing her daily shopping. This seemingly ordinary situation turns out to be the starting point of fascinating and moving confessions of a mature woman, who is at the same time naive and wise, lost and heroic, ordinary and extraordinary.

The monodrama, which has the potential to break through the dullness of everyday life, stars Hanna Bieluszko, a distinguished actress of the Słowacki Theatre in Krakow, renowned for her magnificent theatrical creations and television roles.

The play was directed by Maciej Wojtyszko, winner of the Leon Schiller Award, well-known to Krakow audiences for such plays as Kraina kłamczuchów [The Land of Liars], Bulgakow [Bułhakow] or The Birth of Friedrich Demuth [Narodziny Fryderyka Demuth].

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