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> 7 EN UKR

Enchanted by the worlds of Hobbit, Harry Potter and Game of Thrones, we often forget about our own home-grown mythology: our Slavic gods, heroes and beasts. They tend to live in our consciousness only in an infantile, primitive form. So how about trying to actually revisit this realm?

It’s the 9th century – early days of the Polish state. Krak the warrior becomes the king of the new state and assumes the throne of the settlement called Krakow in his honour. The elderly ruler’s children – Lech, Krak and Wanda – assist in the rational development of the state. Meadows turn into pastures, forests into agriculture fields. The ancient forces of nature painfully endure these changes until the moment when the axes reach the sacred grove. Then... a dragon appears above Krakow. It ravages the land, kills animals and people. The terrified people begin to make offerings to the beast while the rulers look for ways to defeat it.

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