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Thu 06 19:00
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Fri 07 19:00
Sat 08 17:00

Professor Rafał Wilczur – a famous Warsaw surgeon, or a village healer – Antoni Kosiba? Colourful Warsaw of the 1920s interwar period or a poor borderland village? Two worlds. And seemingly two completely different people. The superior one. And the inferior one. But which is which? Does one have to choose? I’d rather not...

The Quack is a classic Polish melodrama. First read, then watched on screen in film adaptations, even up till now. Kazimierz Junosza-Stępowski and Jerzy Bińczycki as Wilczur/Kosiba were captivating, moving and memorable. Though their character loses precisely that – memory. Memory that can constitute his greatest asset, but may also become his curse.

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