Theatre in Krakow. Prologue

  • Direction: Remigiusz Brzyk
  • Dramaturgy: Adrianna Alksnin, Ewa Mikuła, Klaudia Wójciak
  • Stage Manager: Bartosz Jelonek
  • The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage
  • Premiere: 16.02.2017
  • A performance with English subtitles. The play uses fragments of Diana Poskuta-Włodek's publication.
50 minutes
> 15 EN

21st October 1893 saw the opening of the theatre at Plac Św. Ducha in Krakow. The new building was beautiful, modern, and the first in the city to be illuminated with electric energy

However, it was not its gilded walls, but what was happening on its stage that made the building become a unique place in such a short time. We would like to invite you to a performance-journey, which in a vivid, multidimensional and spectacular way will guide the audience through the most interesting historical events related to the Słowacki Theatre from its inception until World War II. It is an attempt at a creative discourse with history, but also a desire to capture something as ephemeral and indefinable as a dream.

A dream that has accompanied and continues to accompany the successive managers, directors, playwrights, actors, technicians and craftsmen. A dream of a theatre that is intelligent, alive, searching and breathing together with the city and with the audience that frequents it.

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