
Wojciech Skibiński

Passion! And on top of that, I think it’s a constant journey into the unknown, together with the viewers, without whom nothing would make sense... Let’s wander together and gain new experiences.


Born in 1959, graduate of the PWST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow.

In the years 1986-1988, he was an actor at the Śląski Theatre in Katowice. Since 1988, actor of the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre, which cast him in such plays as:

Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s The Visit directed by Sergei Danchenko (1989), Václav Havel’s Temptationdirected by Krzysztof Jędrysek (1990), William Shakespeare's The Tempest directed by Jerzy Goliński (1990), William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar directed by Jerzy Goliński (1993), Henrik Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler directed by Paweł Miśkiewicz (1995), Wolfgang Hildesheimer’s Mary Stuart directed by Waldemar Zawodziński (1996), Arthur Miller's The Crucible directed by Barbara Sass (1999), Roger Vailland’s Abelard and Heloise directed by Agata Duda-Gracz (2001), Stanisław Wyspiański’s The Wedding directed by Bodolay (2007), Władysław Reymont’s The Promised Land directed by Wojciech Kościelniak (2011), Sławomir Mrożek’s The Carnival or Adam’s First Wife directed by Bogdan Ciosek (2013), Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio directed by Jarosław Kilian (2015).

Guest actor at the STU Theatre.

Also known for his film and television roles, as well as TV series such asCzas honoru [Time of Honour], Ojciec Mateusz {Father Matthew], Prawo Agaty [Agata’s Law]

Currently in cast

The Wedding

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

Nearest dates

Sat 29 15:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sun 30 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Tue 01 19:00
Wed 02 13:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sat 17 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sun 18 14:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Tue 20 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
> 15

Act of Killing

based on the movie "The Act of Killing" Joshuy Oppenheimera

The MOS Stage - The MOS Stage

Nearest dates

Thu 22 19:00
Fri 23 19:00
> 15



based on Study on Hamletby Stanisław Wyspiański

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

> 15 EN UKR

The Imaginary Invalid [COPY]

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

Nearest dates

Sat 05 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sun 06 12:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
120 minutes
> 15


The MOS Stage - The MOS Stage