
Natalia Strzelecka

Theatre is a whimsical phenomenon. Every day I love it and curse it at the same time. It contains everything that I hold dear: possible encounters, freedom, dialogue, adventure, journey into the unknown. I don't think I remember the life ‘before’ theatre any more. Sometimes I still have dreams that I am a construction site manager, I can smell freshly poured concrete, bricks and lime. My old dream returns. The type of excitement remains the same.


Born in 1976, graduate of the PWSFTviT National Film School in Łódź. Winner of the third prize of the jury at the 18th Drama School Festival in Łódź for her role as Adela in F.G. Lorca’s The House of Bernarda Alba, and of an award granted by Marshal of the Regional Assembly for the best student of the PWSFTviT National Film School.

The Słowacki Theatre cast her in such plays as: Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s The Idiot directed by Barbara Sass (2002), Molière’s The Imaginary Invalid directed Giovanni Pampiglione (2002), Neil LaBute’s The Shape of Things directed by Barbara Sass (2003), Thomas Mann's Magic Mountain directed by Barbara Sass (2004), Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz’s Iuvenilium permanens directed by Tomasz Wysocki (2004), William Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure directed by Helena Kaut-Howson (2005), Maxim Gorky’s Night Shelter – Where Dreams Meet directed by Reinhard Hinzpeter (2006), Jean Genet's The Maids directed by Józef Opalski (2006), Stanisław Wyspiański’s The Wedding directed by Bodolay (2007), Anna Burzyńska’s Tango Piazzolla directed by Józef Opalski (2007), Stanisław Wyspiański’s Liberation directed by Radosław Rychcik (2017), Theatre in Krakow. Prologue directed by Remigiusz Brzyk (2017).

Holder of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage scholarship for the year 2000. In 2002, her role as Louison in The Imaginary Invalid brought her a Ludwik award nomination.

She played in Majciej Wojtyszko’s TV series Doręczyciel [The Delivery Man].

Currently in cast

The Wedding

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

Nearest dates

Sat 29 15:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sun 30 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Tue 01 19:00
Wed 02 13:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sat 17 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sun 18 14:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Tue 20 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
> 15

Forefathers' Eve

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

Nearest dates

Sat 12 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sun 13 12:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sun 13 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Tue 15 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Wed 16 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Thu 17 19:00
> 15


Cracks of Existence

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Machine House [Miniature] Stage

Nearest dates

Wed 28 19:00
Thu 29 19:00
Sat 21 19:00
Sun 22 19:00

Late Company

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Machine House [Miniature] Stage

Rola: Tamara

Nearest dates

Sat 31 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sun 01 19:00
1,30 h
> 15

The Imaginary Invalid [COPY]

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

Nearest dates

Sat 05 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sun 06 12:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
120 minutes
> 15