Lidia Bogaczówna actress
has a hundred lives
more than a cat
full of suitable costumes
everyone wants to brush against her
though never surprised
no one believes
that she is dying
too little truth
Lidia Bogaczówna, August 2014
Born in 1957, she graduated from the PWST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow. She took her first steps as an intern at the STU Theatre, where she was cast e.g. in Szalona Lokomotywa [Crazy Locomotive], the first Polish musical. In the years 1982-86 she was an actress at the Bagatela Theatre in Krakow. She has been working for the Słowacki Theatre since 1986.
The Słowacki Theatre cast her in such plays as: Tadeusz Nowakowski’s Obóz Wszystkich Świętych [Camp of All Saints] directed by Mikołaj Grabowski (1991), Pierre A. Beaumarchais’ The Marriage of Figaro directed by Anna Polony (1992), Agnieszka Osiecka’s Śnieżyca [Snowstorm] directed by Zygmunt Konieczny (1992), Nikolai Gogol’s Dead Souls directed by Walery Fokin (1993), Fyodor Dostoyevski’s Bobok directed by Walery Fokin (1993), Lerici Roberto's Family Dinner directed by Giovanni Pampiglione (1995), Arthur Miller’s The Crucible directed by Barbara Sass (1999), Nikolai Gogol's Marriage directed by Maciej Sobociński (2004), Lermontov’s Masquerade directed by Nikolai Kolyada (2013).
She also cooperates with the Polish Radio Theatre.
For 20 years she took part in Spotkania z Balladą [Meetings with a Ballade]. She has worked with Zygmunt Konieczny, making music for films and theatres, and recording albums (such as Wyspiański według Koniecznego [Wyspiański According to Konieczny]), philharmonic, television, and radio concerts.
For the last ten years she has been cooperating with the Barakah Theatre in Krakow.
In 1986, at the 21st OPTMF Festival in Szczecin, she received the Audience Award and the jury award for her role in Jerzy M. Czrnecki’s play Złoty strzał, czyli rzecz o narkomanii [Golden Shot or on Drug Addiction]. In 2009, she received the Silver Cross of Merit for her services to Polish culture, and in 2010 – the Honoris Gratia Medal of the Mayor of Krakow in recognition of her services to Krakow and its inhabitants. In 2012, she won the Professionals 2012 competition organized by the Polish edition of Forbes magazine.
In the years 2006-2010, she was the chairperson of the Krakow branch of ZASP. From 2010 to 2014 she served as a deputy chairperson of the same branch.
Currently in cast

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