Karolina Kamińska actress
Born in 1990, graduate of PWSFTviT National Film School in Łódź. She worked for the Studyjny Theatre (cast in Złe sny [Bad Dreams] by Agata Duda-Gracz, 2013) and in the K. Dejmek Nowy Theatre in Łódź (in Pippi Longstocking directed by Zdzisław Jaskuła in 2011, and Kokolobolo, czyli opowieść o przypadkach Ślepego Maksa i Szai Magnata [Kokolobolo or Story about Adventures of Blind Maks and Szaja Magna]directed by Jacek Głomb in 2012).
Since 2013, she has been an actress of the Słowacki Theatre where she was cast in: Każdy musi kiedyś umrzeć Porcelanko, czyli rzecz o Wojnie Trojańskiej [Everyone Must Die One Day, Dear Porcelain, or a Comment on the Trojan War] based on a text inspired by William Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida and directed by Agata Duda-Gracz (2013), Neil LaBute's In a Dark Dark House directed by Marcin Hycnar (2013), The Birth of Friedrich Demuth directed by Maciej Wojtyszko (2014), Etgar Keret’s Goodman directed by Agata Dyczko (2014), William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet directed by Marcin Hycnar (2015), Stanisław Wyspiański’s Liberationdirected by Radosław Rychcik (2017).
Her artistic achievements also include film roles, such as W imieniu diabła [In the Name of the Devil]directed by Barbara Sass (2011), Bez wstydu [Shameless] directed by Filip Marczewski (2012), and Chce się żyć[Life Feels Good] directed by Maciej Pieprzyca (2013). She also acts in student films.
Winner of numerous awards, such as: The Andrzej Nardelli ZASP award for the best acting debut in the 2013/2014 theatre season, an award at the 3rd Debut Festival ‘First Contact’ in Toruń in 2015 (an award for the best debut for her role of Jennifer in the play In a Dark Dark House), and the Jan Świderski Award – granted by the Board of the Dramatic Theatre Section at ZASP – at the 21st Contemporary Polish Play Staging Competition.
Currently in cast

The Wedding
The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage
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The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

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The Imaginary Invalid [COPY]
The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage
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