
Karolina Kazoń

In the beginning was the Word. And is was sung right away! According to my parents' accounts, at the age of six months, I presented them with a song titled ‘song’ with lyrics saying ‘song, song’. A bit later, my family could see me presenting poems by Brzechwa and Tuwim, which I quickly learned by heart while listening to my dad reading them. It all started for good when at the age of 10 I learned the script for Bareja’s film Miś [Teddy Bear], and I continued to present it at every possible opportunity.

I don't think any other job would give me so much happiness, but if I weren’t an actress, I would be a perfumer. My favorite smell? The smell of Juliusz Słowacki Theatre 's Grand Stage in Kraków.


Graduate of the PWST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, student of jazz vocals at the PSJ Henryk Majewski Jazz School. Her roles as Klara in Maidens’ Vows, and Fruzia in Ladies and Hussars brought her the ZASP award for the best actress at the 29th Festival of Drama Schools in Łódź. During her studies, she made her debut at the J. Słowacki Theatre in the role of Anka in W. Reymont’s The Promised Land directed by W. Kościelniak, with whom she also cooperated in the Dramatyczny Theatre in Warsaw, where she played the role of Albertine in Witold Gombrowicz’s Operetta which he directed.

For many years now, she has been working as a voice-over actress in various educational and commercial projects.

Since the 2013/14 season, she has been working at the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow, where she has acted in The Promised Land,Tango Piazolla, Friends, Masquerade, The Dalcz Brothers and Co., Possessed.

Currently in cast


The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage



The MOS Stage - The MOS Stage

> 18 EN

Forefathers' Eve

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

> 15


The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

Rola: Neda

> 15 EN UKR


The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

The Doll

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

> 15 EN UKR

The Great Gatsby

The MOS Stage - The MOS Stage

The Wedding

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

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