
Anna Tomaszewska

As I write these words, it's been exactly 45 years since I became an actress. It was 45 years ago that I became a graduate of the Krakow Theatre Academy. An actor is a peculiar profession. It’s a profession you need to enjoy. You can’t just go to work. And yet there is also life. And in this life, I’ve given birth to two daughters. They are both actresses, which also means something. I was wondering what impressed me in this profession. And I think I know now. Unpredictability. Each role brings something new. A meeting with each new director brings new quality. That’s why I still enjoy acting after 45 years.


Born in 1951, graduated from the PWST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow in 1973. At the beginning of her career she worked for the Ludowy Theatre in Krakow (1973-75), the Dramatyczny Theatre in Szczecin (1975), the Ludwik Solski Theatre in Tarnów (1976-78) and in the Polski Theatre in Poznań (1978-79).

Since 1980, company member of the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre, which cast her in:

Stanisław Wyspiański’s The Wedding directed by Mikołaj Grabowski (1984), Aleksander Fredro's Ladies and Hussars directed by Mikołaj Grabowski (1992), Nikolai Gogol’s Dead Souls directed by Walery Fokin (1993), Amori directed by Giovanni Pampiglione (1994), Alexander Ostrovsky’s Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man directed by Walery Fokin (1994), Dancing at Lughmasa directed by Bogdan Hussakowski (1993), Jędrzej Kitowicz’s Opis Obyczajów II [Description of Customs II] directed by Mikołaj Grabowski (1996), Ingmar Villqist’s Helver’s Night directed by Barbar Sass (2001), Molière’s The Imaginary Invalid directed Giovanni Pampiglione (2002), Hanoch Levin’s The Labor of Lifedirected by Iwona Kempa (2011).

Since the early 1980s she has also been a guest actress at the STU Theatre, where she was cast in such plays as: Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1988), Werner Schwab’s The Presidents directed by Grzegorz Wiśniewski (1999), Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s The Demons directed by Krzysztof Jasiński, and Jerzy Pilch’s Inne rozkosze [Other Delights] directed by Artur Więcek (2017).

In the Nowy Theatre in Krakow, she plays in Vedrana Rudan's
Blackmen directed by Iwona Kempa (2017).

She is also known for her roles in TV series and productions. She was an actress in Edward Kłosiński and Andrzej Wajda's
Z biegiem lat, z biegiem dni [As Years Go By, As Days Go By] (1980), Izabela Cywińska's Boża podszewka [God’s Lining], Czas honoru [Time of Honour], as well as in other popular series such as Julka, Majka and Na dobre i na złe [For Better, For Worse], M jak miłość [L for Love], Przyjaciółki [Girlfriends].

For many years, she has worked with Radio Krakow and with Romana Bobrowska. In the years 1985-2009 she played in a number of Television Theatre plays.

Winner of numerous awards for her roles as e.g. Honey in
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, or her role in The Presidents at the Tarnów festival, and a Ludwik award (for her supporting role as Elisabeth Epantchine in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's The Idiot at the Słowacki Theatre in Krakow).

In March 2012, she was awarded the Silver Medal for Merit to Culture ‘Gloria Artis’

Currently in cast

Cracks of Existence

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Machine House [Miniature] Stage

Nearest dates

Fri 07 19:00
Sat 08 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sun 09 17:00
Wed 28 19:00
Thu 29 19:00


The MOS Stage - The MOS Stage

Nearest dates

Thu 06 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Fri 07 19:00
Sat 08 17:00


The Imaginary Invalid [COPY]

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

Nearest dates

Thu 27 11:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Thu 27 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Fri 28 11:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Fri 28 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sat 05 19:00
Sun 06 12:00
120 minutes
> 15

The Wedding

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

Nearest dates

Wed 26 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Thu 27 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Fri 28 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sat 29 15:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sun 30 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Tue 01 19:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Wed 02 13:00
Sold out
Ticket to the theater
Sat 17 19:00
Sun 18 14:00
Tue 20 19:00
> 15

The Imaginary Invalid

The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow - The Grand Stage

120 minutes
> 15