Winter holidays at the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre – Acting workshops [ENG]
- Sala prób w MOSie, ul. Rajska 12
Winter holidays at the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre – Acting workshops - free workshops conducted by the actress of our Theatre – Hanna Syrbu, who appeared joined the Team immediately after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine.
free – workshops organized as part of the project "Krakow Together – Integration. Holidays" organized by the City of Krakow, UNICEF and the Internationaler Bund Polska Foundation
29, 30, 31.01.23 (11.00-13.00) – group 1
8, 9, 10.02.23 (11.00-13.00) – group 2
Who can participate:
People from Poland and Ukraine (16-24 years) and their carers (max 15 people in group)
What you need to prepare:
Loose outfit (not necessarily gymnastic, but allowing you to move freely)
Rehearsal room of the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow (details will be provided to those enrolled in a cycle)
Group 1: until 27.01.23 at 15.00
Group 2: until 7.02.23 at 15.00
Applications are accepted by e-mail:
Short description:
Who is the Host?

Hanna Syrbu graduated in 2001 from the Kiev Academy of Variety named after Leonid Utiosov, majoring in "stage vocal". In 2005 she graduated from the Kiev Theatre Institute named after Karpenko - Kary under the supervision of master M. J. Reznikovich. From the fourth year at the Institute she worked at the National Academic Theatre named after Lesya Ukrainka. Currently, she plays in the play "Quack" directed by Jakub Roszkowski and in "Forefathers' Eve" by Maja Kleczewska on the stage of our Theatre. Her vast knowledge of the acting craft allows her to conduct workshops with both amateurs and professionals. She is particularly interested in voice, diction and singing.
What are the workshops about – a few words from the Host:

I invite you to original training in voice and speech techniques. Language is not just a way of communicating, but something more important. Language is all about the deep layers of our inner emotional life, our consciousness, our huge potential for creativity and its expression. Language is music, melody, tempo, colors, intellectual and mental activity of human. I often compare our biological apparatus to a musical instrument, but much more complex. To learn to play this instrument, it takes daily work, time and space.
The workshops I propose will create a lively and creative environment with acting exercises based on games. These exercises, in turn, contain a wide selection of humorous texts, proverbs, counters, spelling cards, text materials and cover five main directions of language work:
1. Breathing
2. Voice
3. Articulation
4. Diction
5. Orthoepia
I start each workout with deep relaxation of the muscles at the level of the whole body, which take part in phonation and word-forming breathing. Muscles play a major role in the resonance of the voice, its sonority. Therefore, the resonance capacity depends on the flexibility of our muscles. Any tension has a big impact on the quality of your voice and causes deafness. In addition to speech development, training has a profound effect on improving the emotional and physical state.
The training is suitable for any person who wants to dive deep inside themselves and push to the surface the treasure of speech and voice that every person on the planet is endowed with. Training has a profound therapeutic effect.